Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications
This book developed over 20 years of the author teaching the course at his own university. It serves as a text for a graduate level course in the theory of ordinary differential equations, written from a dynamical systems point of view. It contains both theory and applications, with the applications interwoven with the theory throughout the text. The author also links ordinary differential equations with advanced mathematical topics such as differential geometry, Lie group theory, analysis in infinite-dimensional spaces and even abstract algebra.The second edition incorporates corrections and improvements of the original text. New material includes a proof of the Grobman-Hartman theorem for flows based on the Lie derivative, more extensive treatment of the Euler-Lagrange equation and its applications, a proof of Noether’s theorem on the existence of first integrals in the presence of symmetries and a new section on dynamic bifurcation with a proof of Pontryagin’s formula. The impressive array of existing exercises has been more than doubled in size and further enhanced in scope, providing mathematics, physical science and engineering graduate students with a thorough introduction to the theory and application of ordinary differential equations
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