Future Energy: How the New Oil Industry Will Change People, Politics and Portfolios
“Do not despair. Energy independence is in our future and this book has the road map! Bill Paul, one of the most astute observers of the energy scene, describes the new technologies that are taking us there and that will change our lives. A must-read book showing how business, citizens, and investors can take advantage.”Consuelo Mack, Anchor and Managing Editor Consuelo Mack WealthTrack Concerns over the availability and security of world energy supplies, especially when it comes to crude oil, have many people wondering what the future of this industry holds and how technology will continue to change it. Thanks to the energy technology revolution currently taking place, a promising “new” oil industry is quickly beginning to take shape-and it will, without a doubt, affect every company, household, and investor.In Future Energy, author Bill Paul-a national energy and environmentaljournalist for more than thirty years-skillfully addresses the investment implications of this new oil industry and shows you how to profit from the changes that lie ahead. Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, Future Energy will introduce you to some of the most essential issues found within this new environment, including
The companies that will be counted on as the producers andinfrastructure providers of the new oil industry
Why you should consider holding “oil shock” absorbing investmentsin your portfolio
How electricity will become a new transportation fuel, providingunprecedented transportation fuel diversity
The role that substitute liquid fuels (SLFs) will play in the newoil industry
And much more
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